Special Focus Plans

As part of my Nutritional Therapy service, I offer the following Special Focus Plans. These provide expert and in-depth support for particular symptoms, conditions or life-stages.

Cycle Support Plan

A 3 or 6 month plan for women or people who menstruate, who want to address cycle-related concerns.

  • irregular cycles

  • painful periods

  • heavy bleeds

  • PMS or PMDD

  • endometriosis

  • adenomyosis

  • fibroids

  • PCOS

I will work with you to support symptoms and their underlying causes, via nutrition, lifestyle, functional testing and supplementation where appropriate.

This plan can also work alongside medical interventions or medications.

Perimenopause Plan

A 3 or 6 month plan to support physical and emotional resilience to hormonal shifts during perimenopause.

Suitable for those in the early stages of perimenopause who are still having regular menstrual cycles but are noticing their first symptoms, as well as women whose periods have ceased for up to a year.

This plan will primarily focus on metabolic health, sleep and mood, but will also be tailored to support any other symptoms or health concerns you have related to this life stage.

This plan can work alongside HRT or other interventions.

Skin Clinic

A 3 or 6 month plan focusing on skin health; supporting concerns relating to inflammation, skin barrier integrity and texture.

Skin concerns including, but not limited to:

  • acne

  • eczema

  • psoriasis

  • rosacea

  • increased laxity or dehydration

  • hyperpigmentation

I will recommend nutritional and lifestyle interventions to support specific skin concerns and life-stages.

This plan is also suitable to further support the results of dermatological or aesthetic skin treatments. See In Your Skin for further details.